Monday, March 28, 2011

Sick of being tired

I find myself tired all the time now. In the morning, I don't want to get up. After work, I just want to go to sleep. My room is a mess and food isn't even the highlight of my day because depending on what I want to eat I will most likely get sick. I usually have a "bad hair day" everyday because I don't feel like messing with it (plus I need a haircut) and makeup is just a hassle. I told myself I wanted to be a cute pregnant woman...well...right now, I just feel like crap. Whoever said "Pregnancy is bliss" was wrong! AND when am I supposed to "Glow"? Apparently, my boyfriend is "glowing like a pregnant woman" according to his friend while I look pale. I am sure it will get better, just right now....I feel and look ugly.

So, I was reading the 14 weeks update on a pregnancy website and it said that if my baby is a girl, she will already have 2 million eggs in her ovaries and that I am really preparing to be a grandmother.....Excuse me?! I haven't even prepared to be a mother, but now I am supposed to be a grandmother! Is there a way to spay/neuter your children like we can with our pets?? lol. I think we should have the power to decide that. That may be dumb for me to say, but the fear of teenage pregnancy is going through my mind. I guess I just have to pray that we raise our child right.


1 comment:

  1. Hang in there girlfriend! You are gonna be a wonderful Mommy and you shouldn't feel unattractive AT ALL! Your energy level is low so you don't feel like doing anything and spending time on makeup etc. But you are a natural beauty!!


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